I’m moving

Those of you that have been following my blog (and my ventures) for a while know that the blog has been unusually quiet. I’ve had my thinking hat on and have been hibernating for a while. I just couldn’t make up my mind on what should happen with the blog. I did think about closing it for good, but then that would be a shame as I’ve been blogging for many years and there’s lot of history on here. But the fact is that the blog was turning more and more into a shop blog, which is natural since the shop Knit with attitude has become such a major part of my life, but it didn’t feel quite honest being a professional blog pretending to be a personal blog. So I have decided to create a business blog and keep it personal over there instead. This blog will stay online, at least for now, but all future posts will happen on the new blog. Please come with me to The world according to MayaB over at Knit with attitude.


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