Archive for March 11th, 2007

Progress and one solved task

The baby sleepingbag is coming along. It’s very easy to knit so it goes quite fast, but it’s also boring cause there’s no challenge. As you can see on the pic I’ve finished the front piece, the shoulder stitches being put on holders waiting for me to finish the back piece, and then knit the two pieces together. Working with many large projects at the same time has put me in a new situation, I’ve actually run out of stitch holders, what a great excuse to go shopping! Unfortunately my LYS is closed on Mondays, but I’ll be there first thing on Tuesday and I guess I’ll be bringing more back home than stitch holders. In the meantime some short sircular needles will have to do.
I had some troubles with deciding my object for this week’s Exhibitionist, but I finaly got around to it. Since I’m living temporarely in another country I don’t have much of my old and dear objects around me, so there’s no nostalgia involved in my solution. But still, this is truly one of my most precious objects these days, especially considering knitting. I’ve used this to find patterns, to shop yarn, to learn new skills and techniques, to stay in touch with my forums at home, and I’ve also managed to get some new friend here in London using it. Of course I’m talking about my dear Mac!
Last but not least, I want to finish off with a quotation. The best one I’ve read for a long time, enjoy!

Jeg har kommet et stykke videre på kjøreposen, og forstykket er ferdig. Det går ganske greit unna og det er veldig enkel strikking, men også kjedelig siden det ikke tilbyr noen utfordringer. Gleder meg til å bli ferdig.
Jeg har endelig klar min løsning på Eksibisjonist: Macen min!
Med den har jeg funnet mønster, venner og garn, og jeg har lært meg nye teknikker. Jeg slutter ikke å bli forundret over alt det som “finnes” der ute! I dag prydes innlegget mitt med et sitat jeg kom over, nettopp ute på nettet, det er det beste sitatet jeg har lest på lenge, så sant som det er sagt!