Maya’s got a new toy

Or the title could just as well have been ”mama’s got a new baby”. I might as well admit it; I’m a gadgets person. And even though I hate to admit this one: when it comes to brands I’m a complete Mac geek. Still, to go on and spend so much money on something that practically is ”just” a phone is ridiculous, so I’ve been avoiding the temptation for a long time. Then it occurred to me – this can be useful, I actually need an Iphone as a tool in my everyday life. Let me elaborate.

Tittelen kunne like gjerne ha vært “Mama har fått en ny baby”. Jeg kan like godt innrømme det; jeg er opptatt av tekniske duppeditter. Og selv om jeg hater å innrømme dette; når det kommer til merkevarer så er jeg en Macnerd. Allikevel, det å bruke så mye penger på noe som tross alt bare er en telefon er rett og slett latterlig, så jeg har unngått fristelsen lenge. Så gikk det opp for meg: dette kan være nyttig, jeg trenger faktisk en Iphone som et verktøy i hverdagen. La meg utdype.

I’ve been blogging for many years, in the era of cyber world and social networking I’ve been on it like ”forever”. I started my blog back in January 2006, by the way you can actually have a look at my earliest attempts to blog right here, as it of course is still out there on the never-ending Interweb. So what is my blog? My definition hasn’t changed much over the years; to me a blog is a combination of pictures and words in an independent publication. And do I have words? If you have read my blog for a while you know that I don’t have the ability to be short, I always have a lot to say and so my entries tend to be long. This is also why I try to have good pictures on my blog, to illustrate, to inspire and not at least to balance all my text. Needless to say, all this writing and taking crisp photos takes a lot of time, and the regularity of my posts reflects this. The last year or so I’ve noticed more and more ”instant messaging” blogs; you take a snap shot, type a short message, and publish this on your blog, all using one device – your phone. I don’t plan on making my blog into a collection of short picture-messages, but I do believe that my Mr Maciphone can come in handy trying to increase the number of post each month.

Jeg har blogget i mange år, i cyberverdenens tidregning har jeg så og si hold på “for alltid”. Jeg startet bloggen min i januar 2006, forresten så kan du ta en titt på mine første forsøk her, fordi alt ligger selvfølgelig fremdeles ute på det uendelige Internettet. Så hva er min blogg? Min definisjon har ikke endret seg så veldig i løpet av årene, jeg oppfatter min blogg som en samling ord og bilder i en uavhengig publikasjon. Og gjett om jeg har ord? Hvis du har lest bloggen min over tid så vet du at jeg ikke evner å være kortfattet, jeg har alltid så mye å si og dermed blir innleggene mine lange. Derfor prøver jeg å ha gode bilder på bloggen, for å illustrere, for å inspirere og for å balansere all teksten. Det er jo klart at all denne skrivinga og det å ta bilder er tidkrevende, og dette reflekteres i hvor ofte det kommer nye innlegg. I løpet av det siste året har jeg lagt merke til flere og flere “øyeblikksblogger”; du tar et kjapt bilde, skriver en kort melding, og publiserer dette, alt ved å bruke ett verktøy – telefonen din. Jeg planlegger ikke å endre bloggen min til en sånn samling av korte bildemeldinger, men jeg tror at min Mr Maciphone kan bli hendig i et forsøk på å blogge oftere.

After opening the shop I’ve become more and more active considering social networking too. I’m on twitter and facebook, I’m a member of several web communities, and I read loads of blogs. So no more need to bring my loveable but quite old and fragile Mac, or bring my brilliant but quite heavy camera, a lot of my everyday activities can now be handled in a few moments using my phone. Do you see where I’m going with this, it is absolutely necessary for me to have and Iphone to manage my tasks, right? As you can see, I’ve used a lot of time justifying this to my self, and I really don’t think that my arguments are that bad…really.

Etter at jeg åpnet butikken har jeg også blitt mer og mer aktiv i ulike sosiale media. Jeg er på twitter og facebook, jeg er med i flere ulike websamfunn og jeg leser veldig mange blogger. Men nå trenger jeg ikke å ta med min kjære men noe utslitte Mac, eller mitt brilliante men tunge fotoapparat, en rekke av mine hverdagslige aktiviteter kan nå håndteres kjapt ved bruk av telefonen min. Ser du hvor jeg er på vei hen med dette, det er absolutt nødvendig for meg å bruke en Iphone for å håndtere de daglige oppgaver, ikke sant? Som du kan se, så har jeg brukt mye tid på å rettferdiggjøre dette for meg selv, og jeg synes virkelig ikke at argumentasjonen min er helt grunnløs heller…virkelig.

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  1. You are absolutely so right…you do need an iPhone!!!
    I have just been given one ten days ago and have already posted several pics on our blog using it..including yesterday’s tortoise in France!
    My son is a brilliant photographer who usually does all our blog and button photos but I can’t always take him in my suitcase…
    Yay for a good phone camera…
    And love your blog
    Can’t believe you have been blogging for so long…does anyone know who wrote the first blog ever?
    Warm greetings from south africa

  2. According to wikipedia:
    The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. Most such writers called themselves diarists, journalists, or journalers. Justin Hall, who began personal blogging in 1994 while a student at Swarthmore College, is generally recognized as one of the earliest bloggers, as is Jerry Pournelle. Dave Winer’s Scripting News is also credited with being one of the oldest and longest running weblogs. Early blogs were simply manually updated components of common Web sites. However, the evolution of tools to facilitate the production and maintenance of Web articles posted in reverse chronological order made the publishing process feasible to a much larger, less technical, population. Ultimately, this resulted in the distinct class of online publishing that produces blogs we recognize today.

  3. I went through a similar process before I got my Android a few months ago. We’re on a tight budget and we’d been using pay-as-you-go phones for a long time but I was getting sick of not having enough minutes or enough cash balance to cover the extra minutes and the phones just weren’t reliable. Then our digital camera started to die and I just figured it was time to jump a few years into the future from where I’d been phone-wise. Now, I’ve got a camera, a digital camera, GPS, memo pad, and calculator, all of which I use pretty regularly, in my purse and I can’t imagine going back to a cell phone that’s just for making phone calls.

  4. No justification required. I totally get it! 🙂

  5. I agree, everyone should have a smartphone (iPhone!) My 3Gs is starting to scramble, and I’m holding my breath that it lasts until August when the I-V comes out!

  6. This is a great idea and very handy too! I often use blogger app on my phone to write down a few notes/ideas for a new post and take photos. The beauty of quick uploading – one click and you can email your pics to someone or upload them to Flickr or else.

  7. Nå følte jeg meg litt dinosaur her, jeg har hatt samme blogg siden august 2004 jeg. *fnis*

    Duppedingser som gjør livet enklere er ikke så dumt, og en slik Iphone er jo et greit arbeidsredskap også.

  8. Funny, isn’t it, how you don’t really need some gadget until you get one, and find out you can’t live without it.

  9. Perfectly understandable.

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