Archive for the ‘Shopping’ Category

One gift received and one gift to give away

I received the February Secret Gift, two skeins of mohair in bright colors (the picture doesn’t give credit to the colors at all), and a tiny box containing stitchmarkers. Guessing who gave me the present wasn’t that hard this time, it was written on the envelope. So, thank you so much for the present Hege.

Yesterday was truly a day spent in the light of the knitting spirit. First of all I went shopping! I took a cab to my LYS, Loop in London. I bought the yarn I was planning to, and then I waited for the cab to come and pick me up. Since the wait lasted for ages, I managed to spend even more money. I bought some magazines as well, two Vouge Knitting, and my first Louisa Harding book: The Magical World According to Miss Millie, which is just beautyful and packed with lovely pattern suitable for my little angel. Those of you paying attention to my previous shopping might notice that I actually have bought one of the Vouges before. That’s true, I bought it last month, fell in love with one of the patterns (a purple dress), bought all the yarn I need for the dress while I was in Norway (spending about £90), and then lost the magazine. So there was nothing else to do but to buy it once more, and I was quite lucky, cause it was the only one they had left in the store.

The purple yarn in the picture is for that dress, the petrol blue is for yet another project. The Pinwheel is back in the closet waiting for me to start making the arms, and so is all the other projects…stuck in the closet. I’ve put them all on hold, because I have a much more important project on my sticks right now. Late January one of my closest friends gave birth to a beautyful babyboy. Of course I’ve been planning to make something for the baby during the whole pregnancy, but somehow I haven’t got around to it, and now that the baby is born I’m actually in a hurry. I want to make this, a baby sleeping bag.

After shopping I was off to attend my first Stitch’n’Bitch group. The Angelknits meet at the New Rose Pub every Tuesday, and I had a lovely time. Yesterday we were five women attending, but I’ve been told that at the most they actually had 25 people attending the group at once. I don’t get much out of the house these days with my crutches and broken leg, so this was such a great evening for me, and I really look forward to attend next Tuesday as well. So what was I knitting? The sleeping bag of course, you can see how far I got on the picture.

Jeg har fått gave fra min hemmelige venn på DinHobby
Friskt mohairgarn og maskemarkører. 1000-takk min hemmelige venn, som ikke er så hemmelig siden navnet sto på konvolutten, Hege!
I går var en dag i strikkingens ånd. Først dro jeg på shopping, dere ser på resultatet at det gikk noen lapper på den turen. Etter på var jeg på mitt første Stitch’n’Bitch treff, vi var fem damer som møttes for å strikke, slarve og drikke. Jeg oppdaget også at den puben der vi møtes har en fantastisk pizza bakt i stenovn. Jeg tror nok jeg kan bli vant til å tilbringe tirsdagskveldene der. Jeg begynte foresten på enda et nytt prosjekt, og har plassert alle andre prosjekt på hylla for en stund, dette haster det nemlig litt med å få ferdig. En av mine nærmeste venninner fikk en liten gutt i januar, og jeg skal strikke denne, og da er det jo et poeng og bli ferdig før gutten har vokst seg for stor til å bruke den. På bildet ser dere hvor langt jeg kom i går.


Getting ready

In a few days I’m going home to Norway, I’ll be staying in the hospital for a few weeks having an operation in my ankle. So yesterday I went to my local yarnstore to get ready for a long stay in bed. This increased the yarnstock, but it’s all planned for. The pink is going to a cardigan I’m starting on soon, and the light green will be used to finish an ongoing project (for now I’m keeping it a secret which project I have in mind). I also got some knitting accessories and my first(!) knitting magazine. I’ve allready fallen in love with at least two patterns from the magazine so I guess it won’t be long before I’ll be back in the store buying more yarn.
Jeg gjør meg klar til å dra til Norge for å ha en operasjon i ankelen, noe som innebærer noen uker i senga. Så det var klart at jeg måtte innom garnbutikken og hamstre for roligere tider. Det rosa garnet skal bli en omslagsjakke som jeg har gått og fundert på, det lysegrønne skal inn i avslutningen av et annet prosjekt. Foreløpig holder jeg hemmelig hvilket prosjekt. Jeg fikk også med meg noe tilbehør, og det første(!) strikkebladet jeg noen gang har kjøpt. Jeg forelsket meg i selve bladet og flere av oppskriftene inne i det, så det blir vel ikke så alt for lenge før garnbutikken får besøk av meg igjen.